Let's learn some basic expressions in Brazilian Portuguese for conversation with the tutor.

You should memorize them within the first lessons.
It is important to start speaking from the beginning of your online course.
This sentences have been selected among those mostly used and asked during classes.
Let's see how to say them in Brazilian Portuguese.

Pt: Olá, como vai?
En: Hello, how is it going?

Pt: Você me ensina português?
En: Can you teach me some Portuguese?

Pt: Como se diz isto em português?
En: How do we say this in Portuguese?

Pt: Entendí, obrigado.
En: I understand, thank you.

Pt: O que quer dizer isto?
En: What does that mean?

Pt: Bom dia!
En: Good morning!

Pt: Boa tarde!
En: Good afternoon!

Pt: Boa noite!
En: Good evening!  Good night!

Pt: Prazer, eu me chamo...
En: Nice to meet you, my name is...

Pt: Como vai a senhora/ o senhor?
En: How are you doing Madam/ Sir?

Pt: Eu sou australiano, estadunidense, inglês.
En: I am Australian, a United States Citizen, English.


Pt: Boa tarde, eu gostaria de uma mesa para dois.
En: Good afternoon, I would like a table for two.

Pt: Pois não senhora/senhor, por favor siga-me comigo.
En: All right Madam/Sir, please come follow me.

Pt: A senhora/O senhor pode me dizer o que vem neste prato?
En: Could you Madam/Sir tell me what comes in this dish?

Pt: Eu gostaria de pedir este prato.
En: I would like to order this dish.

Pt: O que gostariam para beber?
En: What would you like to drink?

Pt: A conta por favor.
En: The bill please.

Send me your questions and doubts about new expressions in Brazilian Portuguese at